We're Moving!

Well, sort of. The Pollard Memorial Library recently launched its new web site. In addition to a new design, the new web site now houses the Pollard Memorial Library's Autism Resource Guide. As such, this blog will no longer be maintained or updated. Instead, I will be updating it on the library's web site. It's the same information, just in a different format. To access the Autism Resource Guide via the library's web site, click here. Make sure to bookmark it!

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1 in 110

1 in 110: Autism Spectrum Resources for Families

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 110 children in the United States is on the autism spectrum. Youth Services Staff has compiled a list of autism spectrum resources for families. The best place to start, if you suspect your child might be on the spectrum, is to have your child screened. The earlier your child starts therapies, the better. If your child is under age three there are two local agencies, South Bay Early Intervention and Thom Anne Sullivan Center, that provide screening services. If your child is age three or older, contact the Lowell Public Schools for assistance.

Information contained in this blog does not constitute library endorsement of a treatment, agency or advocacy group. The library maintains that it is up to the parent/legal guardian to determine proper treatment for his/her child. This blog is solely a place of information for the huge array of materials related to Autism Spectrum Disorders.

If your family uses a service or has a favorite autism spectrum website that is not listed, please let us know so we can share with others in the community. Contact Molly Hancock, Coordinator of Youth Services at mhancock@mvlc.org.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Housing and Residential Supports Tool Kit

Autism Speaks has another tool kit - Housing and Residential Supports.   According to Autism Speaks, the purpose of the tool kit is:
A tool kit to assist individuals and families as they identify and secure appropriate residential supports and services. The purpose of this tool kit is to:

  • Provide an overview of housing options and the supports and services often needed by adults with autism.
  • Describe options for funding capital costs, operating costs and residential services and supports.
  • Create a structure to help families and, to the extent possible, an individual with autism, consider and plan for the types of residential services and supports needed.
  • Serve as a catalyst for expanding opportunities to meet the housing needs of people with autism.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Donations

We had a lot of fun at last Saturday's very special storytime. We also had a guest reader, Lisa from NuPath. She did a terrific job reading "Looking for Louis." Not only that, but Lisa donated that book and another one, "Amazingly... Alphie!" to the library. We will add them to our children's collection so that families in our community can read these stories about acceptance and understanding.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Super Special Kids Program

Super Special Kids: Our Time
Calling all Special Needs kids and their families! Come join us for a super Saturday morning. We’ll share stories, sing songs, move and groove and do other fun things. At the end of the session there will be time for families to visit and a snack will be provided. If your child has food allergies or food sensitivities we encourage you to bring his own preferred snack.
If you have questions please contact Molly Hancock, Coordinator of Youth Services at 978-674-1527 or at mhancock@mvlc.org.
Meeting Dates:
Saturday – May 5 and June 9 at 10 AM

Local Autism Awareness Event

NuPath of Westford is having an Autism Awareness Walk on Saturday, April 28th. This is a family friendly event and EVERYONE is welcome. Click here for more information.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Summer Camps

It's not too early to start thinking about summer camp! Check out these resources from the MA Sped Child and Teen web page.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Programs for Special Needs Families

The Pollard Memorial Library and Special Needs Families: We're Connected!

The Pollard Memorial Library's Youth Services Department strives to serve ALL families in our community, including Special Needs Families. We hope you feel comfortable visiting the Children's Department and making use of our materials.
Special Needs Families are also encouraged to attend our various children's programs. You can always call us if you have questions about particular activities and wonder if they would appeal to your child.
In addition, we are working on creating programs specifically for Special Needs Families. Please help us by answering the survey to the right of this page.
If you have ideas or questions, please contact Molly Hancock, Coordinator of Youth Services at 978-674-1527 or at mhancock@mvlc.org.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Autism Awareness Month at the Library 2012

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, the library is conducting two programs. The first is a survey. All month long we are conducting this survey, in-house and online. In attempt to show how autism touches so many of us we are asking patrons to let us know how many people they know on the autism spectrum. The online poll is at the top of this page.

On Saturday, April 14 at 10 AM we are offering "A Storytime for ALL of Us." ALL children and their grownups are welcome to come and we especially hope families on the Autism Spectrum and other Special Needs families will join us for stories, songs, and fun.