MA 21 Alliance
Stephen Covey
February 15, 2011
6:30 PM
20 Gould St
Reading, MA
pizza and soda provided
The mission of the Massachusetts Alliance for the 21st Century Disability Policy (MA21) is to advance full community participation for individuals with disabilities.
The MA21 Alliance is a partnership of some of the Commonwealths leading statewide disability advocacy organizations: Massachusetts Families Organizing for Change (MFOFC), Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (M.A.S.S.), Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC), Advocates for Autism (AFAM), The Arc of Mass (The Arc), and Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC).
These organizations are leading the charge for a shift in disability policy moving ahead into the 21st century. This group is working to build a statewide constituency of friends, families, community members and self advocates and we need you. We believe real community includes all of us and that quality supports, policies and practices benefit everyone. The guiding principles of the MA21 policy include the beliefs that disability is natural, that individuals and their families should be supported to recognize and achieve their highest potential and that services should be designed to create rich, full lives for all in the community.
Booklets are available which clearly explain policy foundations, recommendations, as well as, strategies to move toward realization of the goals of MA21
Do you have a loved one of any age served by the Department of Developmental Services?
Do you live in the Northeast or Metro Boston Region?
Are you a parent of a child turning 22 and are worried about the adult service system options?
Have you had family support cut, lost respite services or job coaching?
Has your adult family member only been offered Day Habilitation instead of supported employment or other options?
If you said YES to any of the above questions - Join us!
It is never too early to begin working on our future.
RSVP TO Susan Nadworny 781 665 5179 or
Stephen Covey
February 15, 2011
6:30 PM
20 Gould St
Reading, MA
pizza and soda provided
The mission of the Massachusetts Alliance for the 21st Century Disability Policy (MA21) is to advance full community participation for individuals with disabilities.
The MA21 Alliance is a partnership of some of the Commonwealths leading statewide disability advocacy organizations: Massachusetts Families Organizing for Change (MFOFC), Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (M.A.S.S.), Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC), Advocates for Autism (AFAM), The Arc of Mass (The Arc), and Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC).
These organizations are leading the charge for a shift in disability policy moving ahead into the 21st century. This group is working to build a statewide constituency of friends, families, community members and self advocates and we need you. We believe real community includes all of us and that quality supports, policies and practices benefit everyone. The guiding principles of the MA21 policy include the beliefs that disability is natural, that individuals and their families should be supported to recognize and achieve their highest potential and that services should be designed to create rich, full lives for all in the community.
Booklets are available which clearly explain policy foundations, recommendations, as well as, strategies to move toward realization of the goals of MA21
Do you have a loved one of any age served by the Department of Developmental Services?
Do you live in the Northeast or Metro Boston Region?
Are you a parent of a child turning 22 and are worried about the adult service system options?
Have you had family support cut, lost respite services or job coaching?
Has your adult family member only been offered Day Habilitation instead of supported employment or other options?
If you said YES to any of the above questions - Join us!
It is never too early to begin working on our future.
RSVP TO Susan Nadworny 781 665 5179 or
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